Sunday, March 31, 2019

Proof of Life


It has been such a long time since I have been on either of my blogs. Life; its just been doing what it is that it does.

By now you’ve probably noticed that I deactivated my facebook page. Don’t worry its just sleeping. I’ll be back.
I need(ed) to make some changes in my life to make it better for me and my family. So taking a giant step back from the world and shifting my focus and drive.

Here’s hoping that the positive energy flows and Brings me to a place where creativity equals productivity.

In the past five years I’ve been so focused on what I have lost or given up, that I didn’t give enough energy to the things I still have. 

2019 has to be different, has to be better and I can’t just give it lip service. I gotta put in the work.  So here it is MARCH turning into APRIL and I’m taking a deep breath, filling my lungs with crisp cold air ( wtf why is the air cold it was just summer here last week, why are back in winter?) and taking the plunge.
 My goal is to post this blog so that the fabulous Bama Belle Can get it linked to you and then jumping over to the other blog… and launching a new short serial for you to follow.
I know many of you are waiting for updates or expansions on older stories and series. Never stop believing, but don’t hold your breath anymore. I know that is so blunt and I’m (not) sorry.  I really must leave some things in the past.  I might revisit a few things, but after years of telling you all that I would then avoiding eye contact, its time to finally admit that I’m just probably not.

They are what they are… and while there is room for a larger realm with each of them, my initial intent, was never to give them full on-going sagas. They only ever wanted to let you know that little bitty joyfully voyeuristic part of their world. Besides, what you imagine that they are up to is probably a whole lot more fun/dramatic/adventurous than anything I could ever come up with.

Some of those stories are collabs and we all know that the possibility of rekindling those don’t exist. The dissolution of who would own what part of each story is just something I don’t have the energy to even think about. The follow up or retelling wouldn’t have the same energy as the originals. Its best to just let them be the greatness that they are instead of trying to rewrite history. It would be dumb to let a lighting bolt out of the bottle then try to recapture it. Better to ride the waves of a new storm.

Now enough of that, lets get a quick update about two things you really care about: Did I stick to the diet and THE BARBARIAN
 Hell no, I didn’t stick to the diet. I went through about 12 different ones. I dropped the gym challenge I was in and sought a professional and medical help.  The result is that I’ve recently joined a new gym (that I haven’t set foot in since joining and ironically my trainer from the old gym who just stopped showing up to the group sessions works at this one now) and I’m down 30-40 pounds from this time last year. (that being a woman sucks, this ten-pound flux is a bitch). 
It is about the over all health and the long run though so I am okay with loosing weight a bit slower if it means I can keep it off. Ready to lose another 30-40 in 2019.  But yay for being under 300 lbs and needing smaller clothes.

Now about that Barbarian: I’ve always said that as he got older and closer to school age, I’d start limiting what I put out on social media.  That time is here already. And While I am forcing myself to shift my focus from virtual to reality, I am going to be doing the same for him. He might make a few appearances, because face it he has a following bigger than my own.
I am so thankful for those of you who have loved and supported him and us this past 3.5 years.  I’ll try to give you updates every so often, but I also want him to know that his life is his own and he can share what he wants in his own time.
LOL but don’t fret, the way things are looking he might take over my youtube channel and be the next child content billionaire. We’ll see. (Also, He is the main model for Trav’s photography, so you’ll still be seeing him…I mean don’t get all flusterghasted and start emailing me with threats about “y’all’s baby--sheesh.)

Everyone is okay. Wade and Travis are fantastic. The animals are all alive (neighbors had to send titan home…again) and so far, I’ve managed to keep us down to two dogs, one cat, and one fish!
The adventure is still happening, you just have to take it on faith instead of seeing it every day.

Love & Chaos,

*all photos are copyright protected and are the property of  Andrea Brickey and Travis Cunningham and can not be copied or reproduced without permission. We know y'all love The Barbarian, please don't use is pictures for stuff that unless we say its ok. Quickest way to stop seeing him ever is for us to start seeing him in places we don't approve of.